International Midwives Day on Wednesday 5th May 2021 is a day to celebrate and invest in midwives, with the focus this year on ending preventable maternal and newborn death.
''Follow the data, invest in midwives – that's the theme of the 2021 International Day of the Midwife, and it is through this lens that ICM will lead the ongoing and growing efforts to centre midwives as fundamental to ending preventable maternal and newborn death and achieving SDG 3.1 (reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 live births by 2030).''
Find out more at
''Over the past year, midwives, maternity support workers and student midwives have met extraordinary circumstances and risked their lives to provide excellent care to women and their families. Now is the time to not only celebrate how they’ve been there for our communities throughout the pandemic, but to show up for them in calls to the Government to put money where it counts and invest in maternity.''
Learn more at
Take time out on this day to self assess and reflect on your midwifery practice, share your successes and learn from others by attending the Saving Babies Lives: Reducing Stillbirth CPD certified virtual conference on Wednesday 5th May 2021.
Join the discussion on Twitter by following @hcuk_clare #SavingBabiesLives