National Maternity and Perinatal Audit: The power of data to drive clinical improvement
Prof Asma Khalil, Professor of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine
St George’s Hospital University of London
• Importance of audit data during the COVID-19 pandemic
• Role of the National Maternity Perinatal Audit (NMPA)
• The launch of Quarterly and more timely reporting of key perinatal outcomes in the UK: Unprecedented initiative
Prof Khalil shared work on the National Maternity Perinatal Audit (NMPA) which was a large scale audit of NHS maternity services commissioned by HQIP. It was an evaluation of care processes and patient outcomes to identify good practice and areas of improvement, and found an increase in still births during the pandemic matching to a reduction in triage visits. In 2020 quarterly reporting was launched to share real time data, which enabled the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to be responsive changing the public message to encourage pregnant women to come to hospital and publishing a suite of guidance.
Surviving COVID-19 A celebration of how clinical audit and QI teams have managed and innovated during the pandemic
Dr Colin Barnes, Quality Improvement & Clinical Effectiveness Manager
The Academy of Research and Improvement, Solent NHS Trust
Dr Claudia Ganado, Neonatal Consultant
Luton and Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust
• How have local clinical audit teams fared since the pandemic struck in March 2020?
• What have been the biggest challenges and how have these been overcome?
• What will be the positive outcomes?
• How will the pandemic improve the way we work?