Conference chair: Eric Baskind Senior Lecturer in Law and Consultant Liverpool John Moore’s University.
Dr Anthony Bleetman Consultant in Emergency Medicine & Specialist Committee Member, Violence and Aggression National Quality Standard, NICE and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor University of Warwick Medical School opens the day focusing on 'Reducing Restrictive Practices: Findings from the CQC review into Restraint, Seclusion and Segregation'
Dr Bleetman discussed 'Out of sight – who cares? ' -the Restraint, segregation and seclusion review published by the CQC on 27 October 2020. Recommedations include:
- LD and autism should be supported to live in their communities
- For people in hospital – must receive high-quality, person-centred, specialised care in small units
- Renew attempts to reduce restrictive practice by all parties – only for absolute emergencies
- Increase oversight and accountability for people with LD or autism(who may have a mental health problem). A single point of accountability.