The national perspective on clinical audit
Dawn Chamberlain
Director Clinical Improvement and Co-chair of Clinical Audit
NHS England and NHS Improvement
and Dr Ian Woolhouse
Quality Improvement Lead
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
• NHS England and NHS Improvement update on clinical audit
• what does the future hold for clinical audit?
- Dawn Chamberlain Biography 0.04 MBDOCXfile
- Dr Ian Woolhouse Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile
- Presentation Slides 2.10 MBPPTXfile
Dawn opened the talk by explaining that one of her roles is to support the National Clinical Audit Programme, she said "As you know the audits provide really valuable contributions to improvements in clinical practice"
Dawn went on to explain what their vision is and this included Prioritisation of Recommendations, Benchmarking Data, Quality Improvement, Communications & Engagement, Training & Engagement and Commissioning.
Ian continued the talk with an opening statement "Just by measuring outcomes, this doesn't necessarily mean they will improve"
Ian went on to say "I made some recommendations, in summary a couple of these are Automated data extraction, streamline performance metrics, annual reports much shorter - with some system level recommendations and the idea is each audit will then share examples of good local practice which will act as a stimulous for healthcare providers to undertake improvement activity with support from other organisations"
"Dawn concluded by saying "We've given you a link to the improvement hub
"Soon there will be another workspace that will be around national clinical audit but as well as that we will make sure that The National Clinical Audit recommendations are each integrated into those pathways"
Working in Clinical Audit and Being a Change Agent
Helen Bevan
Chief Transformation Officer
NHS Horizons
• what does being a change agent mean?
• how do I build my power as a change agent?
Helen Bevan Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile
Helen began her talk by saying "In August this year I ran an Improvement Method Olympics on twitter, it received 12,700 votes from 37 different countries. The 3 top results were as follows -
1.PDSA Cycles 2. What matters to you 3.Appreciative Inquiry
Helen shared a quote from Richard Baker "The most important part of clinical audit is making change"
Helen went on to say "We need change agents to illuminate the way, we need more people willing to step outside" "We need to be effective disruptors, we need to conform and rebel at the same time"
In conclusion Helen said "Create small changes one step at a time" "You can't be a great change agent on your own, find your crew and get social support"
The CQC and clinical audit
Graham Cooper
National Professional Advisor – Surgery
Care Quality Commission
• how do the CQC use clinical audit data as part of their inspection programme?
• CQC perspectives: what does good/outstanding clinical audit look like?
• common mistakes CQC inspectors see in relation to clinical audit
Graham began his talk by explaining that the CQC would like to know "How can we make CQC inspections more relevant to clinicians"
"We have a new strategy which has four themes - People and communities, Smarter regulation, safety through learning and Accelerating Improvement"
Graham also added that "We are retaining the 5 inspection domains - Well-led, Safe, Effective, Caring & Responsive"