Towards the Virtual Hospital: Changing the way we think about services
Mark Garrick - Director of Quality Development University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
The Head of Medical Directors' Services role provides management support to the Executive Medical Director who has Executive responsibility for Information Technology, Health Informatics and Quality which includes the Revalidation Support Office.
Whole Systems Transformation of Outpatients
Dr Catherine Briggs - GP and Co-Chair Elective Reform Board in Greater Manchester
It is recognised that outpatient and elective care services in the NHS need to be transformed and updated to ensure we deliver a sustainable model of care for the future. Greater Manchester (GM) has taken the opportunity of devolution to transform services at pace, working closely across our 10 localities to make changes that are system-owned and system-led. This presentation will discuss the GM approach in more depth, with particular reference to the challenges, opportunities and risks surrounding the introduction of virtual clinics.
Setting up and Running a Virtual Clinic
Dr Andy Webster - Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Cheif Clinical Information Officer Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
The presentation will highlight the steps Leeds have taken to implement video calling technology into Leeds Teaching Hospitals which is one aspect of outpatient redesign to meet the aspiration of the NHS Long Term Plan.
The project team are still only part way into the journey of embedding this technology into clinical pathways, and as a proportion of total activity carried out in the trust we have only touched the service. During our journey we have had successes and also learned lessons which are worth sharing more widely.
Dr Webster comments:
"The average patient spends around £17 an hour just to attend a clinic.
Benefits of virtual clinics - reducing travel time, better accessibility, reduction in DNA rates, less pressure on current resources
Capturing the data is less easy than it sounds.
Our services offering video consultation: Fertility, Paediatrics, Adult Therapies, Radiology, Heptology, Renal, Oncology, Hepatobiliary
Lesson learned: 1 - start small 2 - Identify your champions 3- Making a patient centred approach, reduces barriers 4- Find a sponsor 5 - Exemplar rooms"