Hip Replacement: Improving Quality and Outcomes
Professor John Skinner, Professor of Orthopaedics, UCL. Honorary Consultant in Orthopaedics, and Director of Research and Innovation Centre, Royal National Orthopaedics Hospital NHS Trust. Founding Director, London Implant Retrieval Centre. Immediate Past President, British Hip Society. Elected member of the Council of the British Orthopaedic Association
John Skinner is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Professor of orthopaedic surgery at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore.He is a hip and knee replacement surgeon and is the Clinical lead for Joint Replacement and also the Director of Research at Stanmore. He has served as President of the British Hip Society. He is currently the Treasurer and Vice President of the British Orthopaedic Association. He sits on the NICE guideline committee on hip replacement surgery. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Bone and Joint Journal and reviews papers for seven journals worldwide.
John introduced the conference and set the scene with regard to latest developments in improving quality and outcomes of hip replacements.
Undertaking your first Day Case Hip Replacement: Our Story
Professor Tim Board, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon & Hip and Knee Specialist, Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Tim specialises in complex primary and revision hip surgery at Wrightington Hospital, Lancashire, UK, the home of Sir John Charnley. He trained in Manchester, gaining an MD for research into bone grafting and an MSc in Orthopaedic Engineering. Tim then undertook Fellowship training in Sydney, Hannover and Wrightington (under the tutelage of Prof Martyn Porter). Wrightington now performs over 1000 hip and 1000 knee replacements every year and is the tertiary orthopaedic unit in the North West.
Tim is the GM CLRN lead for orthopaedics and chairs the British Hip Society Research Committee. He also sits on the executive committee of the British Hip Society and the North West Surgical Trials Centre. He is a full time NHS consultant but has a strong academic interest in both basic science and clinical research having presented over 200 papers at National and International scientific meetings and published over 100 papers in scientific journals and written numerous book chapters. He is an Honorary Professor and has numerous research collaborations with the Universities of Manchester, Leeds and Salford.
Tim brought his presentation on day case hip replacements to life with some patient experience insight from one of his patients who gave a fascinating account of her experience as a day case.
Day Case Hip Replacement
Dr Mary Stocker, Consultant Anaesthetist & Director of Day Surgery, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Immediate Past President, The British Association of Day Surgery
Pre-event abstract
The Day Surgery Pathway and patient selection
As day stay becomes the main pathway for elective and an increasing amount of non-elective surgery it is increasingly important to have robust pathways that leave nothing to change. In this lecture we will identify the important components of a day surgery pathway from GP appointment to post-operative follow-up and audit. In particular I will emphasise the importance of the following:
- Day Surgery Definition: planned surgery/intended management of day surgery/admission, surgery and discharge on the same calendar day
- 23hr surgery is not day surgery
- Importance of planned pathway for day surgery with everyone in the pathway having day surgery expertise
- Importance of good patient preparation for day surgery
- Realisation that the majority of patients are appropriate to be managed via a day surgery pathway (if they are not they should probably not be having elective surgery but should be optimised until fit for surgery and then managed via a day case pathway
- Importance of dedicated facilities and staff expertise within day surgery
- Importance of high quality equipment within the day surgery environment
Mary Stocker immediate past president of BADS delivered an extended session on day case hip replacements, focusing on patient selection, benefits of day surgery, planning, and developing an effective care pathway.
SPEAKER Steve Young Presentation
SPEAKER Peter Howard Presentation