Developing Ward Accreditation for Quality
Daivd Thorpe, Deputy Chief Nurse, West Hertfordshire NHS Foundation Trust
David explained that shared governance and decision making is vital for empowering staff, it's important to find out what's important for the ward to decide what works. David went to on to share how ward accreditation works in his organisation. He said deciding quality standards needs to be a joint decision on what colleagues feel are important and pertinent to your organisation. He said it's important to have a dedicated project lead and team.
As a summary David highlighted the keys steps for successful Ward Accreditation:
- Consultation - what is best for the teams
- NHS I checklist for success
- Quality standards need to be based on best practice that you will already have
- Develop a programme of assessment days
- Good governance
- Leadership
Ward accreditation for patient safety
John Boulton, Ward Accreditation Matron, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Pre-event abstract
Ward accreditation schemes have been used successfully in other Trusts to identify and reward wards and clinical areas where care is excellent and support areas where improvement is required. Delivering high quality and appropriate care to patients is of paramount importance. The Organisation must account for the quality of care delivered to patients and that care should be evidenced based and appropriate to the needs of the patient.
Ward Accreditation schemes focuses on engaging staff and empowering leaders to improve standards and quality on adult in-patient wards. It is based on the continuous improvement principle of standardisation – recognising, sharing and adhering to best practice in the interests of patient care.
Full PowerPoint Presentation
Driving Pride on the Wards: Engaging staff and empowering leadership to improve quality standards on hospital wards
Kimberley Salmon-Jamieson, Chief Nurse, Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Full PowerPoint Presentation