News and updates for today's conference
Strengths Based Social Work
Mark Trewin, Service Manager for Mental Health Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Mental Health Social Work Lead, DHSC and NHS England, Chair, Aftercare, discharge and care planning topic group
Mark gave a policy overview explaining strengths based social work, how it identifies peoples strengths and resources and looks at what matters rather than what's wrong. Mark said; "it's an opportunity to relook at our professionalism." The strengths based approach is recognised in the Social Care Green Paper due out soon which focuses on personalised and preventative care, and it is part of the Community Mental Health Framework that's part of the NHS Long Term Plan. The principle of the strengths based approach is very much people taking control of their own care and making their own decisions. Mark said it's important to form good relationships to help people indentify strengths, it's necessary to invest in your community, know your community and learn how to engage with your community, involving NHS and partners. Mark finished by saying the government is impressed with this approach and in favour, social care and the role of social workers is being more recognised.
Pre-event abstract
To describe what a strengths-based approach is and the definition of a strengths based approach; identifying, co-producing and facilitating solutions so that individuals can take control of their own care and support. How a strengths based approach can work in integrated mental health services.
Full PowerPoint presentation
Applying the Strengths Based Practice Framework for Professional Practice
Professor Samantha Baron, Head of Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University, Co Author, Strengths-based approach practice framework, Department of Health and Social Care
Samantha Baron is Professor of Social Work at Manchester Metropolitan University. She is a knowledge exchange Professor, working closely with practitioners, Directors and the Department of Health & Social Care and Department of Education to promote excellence in professional practice for social work. As Chair of the Joint University Council, a Learned Society representing social work and social and public policy, Sam works closely with Government on a number of initiatives shaping the social work profession. Prior to becoming an academic, Sam came from a management background, working in local authority mental health services as Head of Mental Health. She has always worked with adults and communities starting life as a community worker many years ago.
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Delivering a Strengths-based approach to Adult Safeguarding
Pete Morgan, Chair, PASA UK
Pete is a registered Social Worker and from 2008 to 2010 he was the Head of Service – Safeguarding Adults for Birmingham Adults and Community Services. He has chaired 2 Safeguarding Adults Boards, was a member of the DH’s Safeguarding Adults Stakeholders Group, and is the Chair of the Safeguarding Panel, Advance, a housing and support provider, an independent facilitator of the CPS West Midlands Local Scrutiny and Involvement Panel – Hate Crime, a member of BASW’s Adult Policy, Practice and Education Group and Chair of the Board of Trustees of PASAUK. He has completed the MA in Safeguarding Adults: Law, Policy and Practice at the University of Keele. He has lectured on 3 Social Work courses and authored Safeguarding Adult and Domestic Homicide Reviews.
Full PowerPoint presentation
Ensuring proportionality is important in any social care intervention
Tricia Pereira, Co Chair, Adults Principal Social Worker National Network, Head of Adult Social Care, London Borough of Merton & Co Author, Strengths-based approach practice handbook
Tricia is a qualified Social Worker, Practice Educator and Best Interest Assessor. Her specialism is Sensory Social Work - Working with Deaf and Deafblind children and adults, older people and adults with physical disabilities. Tricia’s work experience covers both Adults and Children’s Social care and the Voluntary sector.
Full PowerPoint presentation