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Pressure Ulcers: Monitoring, Reporting & Improvement

News and updates from today's conference

Pressure Ulcer Assessment and Reporting in line with the 2018 Guidance
Tina Chambers, 
Past Chair of the Tissue Viability Society, Tissue Viability Consultant, Educator and Advisor

Tina has worked in a variety of clinical areas since qualifying including surgical, medical, intensive care, primary care, elderly care and rehabilitation. She has a BSc (hons) in Specialist Nursing Practice (Tissue Viability) and is currently practicing as an independent Tissue Viability Consultant; prior to this she was a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Tissue Viability in the NHS for 17 years. Tina has 12 years’ experience of community and mental health in addition to the acute issues of Tissue Viability. Currently Tina is proud to be working with the Tissue Viability team in Solent NHS Trust and is an active member of local formulary and pressure ulcer strategy groups in Hampshire. She has worked with NHSI in the Stop the Pressure Programme as a member of the steering group and chair for the Definitions and Terminology in Pressure Ulcers Work Stream and looks forward to contributing to the National Wounds Strategy. She has been a member of the Tissue Viability Society for 29 years and is a past Chair and Vice Chair of the Society.

Stop the pressure: National Collaborative
Elizabete Martins, 
Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mid Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Pre event abstract: Reveal the heel
“Reveal the heel” is a project started with the support of the stop the pressure program, an NHS Improvement initiative
A pilot ward was chosen to have the support of Tissue viability department to engage in a year long project to reduce the number of pressure damage incidents.
Analysis of the base line data showed that the pilot ward had 60% of their hospital acquired pressure ulcers located on the patient’s heels.
Following the quality improvement framework, the tissue viability department in close liaison with the ward manager and her staff, designed a set of actions with the aim of reducing the number of incidents to the patients heels, which had breaches in policy by 25% over the12 months period of the scheme (June 2018 to May 2019).
The focus of the project was to encourage early skin assessment and timely implementation of heel offloading. We also aimed to improve the communication within the multidisciplinary team, promoting the engagement of the patients in their own care. The pilot ward had 12 hospital acquired heel pressure ulcers with breaches in policy in the year prior to the project. The project has now been concluded with success with 0 heel pressure ulcers with breaches in policy.
Full PowerPoint Presentation

Pressure Ulcers at the End of Life
Suzi Tandler, 
Tissue Viability, Worcestershire Health & Care NHS Trust

Qualified in 2005 with a DipHe in nursing, going on to complete BSc (HONS). Experience working in emergency medicine and community nursing.
Specialised in Tissue Viability in 2014, spoken at various conferences including EWMA and published a small number of articles. Commenced MSc in advanced practice.
Special interest in Leg ulcers and Tissue viability relating to children.
Full PowerPoint Presentation

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