Root Cause Analysis Training

Root Cause Analysis Training for NHS and Healthcare Professionals.

Our RCA programmes are held with CASC who focus on systems-based patient safety investigation as proposed by the forthcoming National Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. This accredited course will include an opportunity for learners to gain a Level 3 qualification (A level equivalent) in Root Cause Analysis skills (2 credits / 20 hours) on successful completion of a short-written assignment.

IN-HOUSE TRAINING: Held over 1 or 2 days the training will now include more content on systems-based patient safety investigation as proposed by the forthcoming National Patient Safety Incident Response Framework, which emphasises the requirement for investigations to be led by those with safety investigation training and expertise, and with dedicated time and resource to complete the work. The 2 day course will also include understanding Human Factors and Ergonomics and use practical case studies to put theory into practice. The course will also include an opportunity for learners to gain a Level 3 qualification in RCA skills.

Our In-House RCA training will be delivered by Tracy Ruthven CASC Director, Magistrate and Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, and Stephen Ashmore CASC Director and Patient Participation Group Chairman, who have significant experience of undertaking patient safety reviews in healthcare. Both trainers were commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership to write a National RCA Guide in 2016. 

In-House training can be customised to your requirements and the training needs and experience of your staff. Having our trainers come to you will: save time, reduce expenses (by avoiding travel and accommodation costs) and minimise the length of time staff are away from their workplace. 

In House training can to be held at your choice of venue at our new reduced training rate of £2,700 + VAT per day for up to 25 delegates.  Find out more here

MASTERCLASS TRAINING: Root Cause Analysis Masterclasses held in London, Manchester and Birmingham. Find out more here

Conferences & Masterclasses

Root Cause Analysis: 1 Day Masterclass
Choice of Dates
Virtual, Online
After Action Review (AAR) Masterclass
Tue, 18 Nov 2025
Virtual, Online

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