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Resolving Private Healthcare Complaints Compassionately and Effectively

This masterclass is a highly interactive and effective workshop to help improve your confidence in handling complaints. A simple model to facilitate effective responses will be shared and you will have the opportunity to practice the use of our unique AERO approach.

During this course, you will develop the skills and confidence to explore perspective, seek to understand the root and true cause of the patients’ concerns (the complaint ‘iceberg’). Using case studies and peer group discussion, the session will introduce resolution techniques to empower teams to increase the chances of achieving a resolution with less detrimental impact on their own and the healthcare team’s wellbeing. Underpinning the learning is real complaint insight from the private healthcare sector, and experience in using mediation techniques to achieve a clearer understanding of the complaint, why the situation escalated and seek resolution.

This course will also incorporate insights on private healthcare complaints and the influence of insurance and payment terms.

Key Objectives

  • Use insights from emotive clinical complaints to develop effective models to address patient concerns

  • Use simple AERO model & Mehrabian’s Law to enable patient facing colleagues to be more confident in addressing unhappy customers

  • Start to use complaint insights to upstream and pro actively improve patient experience

Who should attend

  • Private secondary care – Independent hospitals and clinics:

  • Frontline staff whose role includes de-escalation and early resolution

  • Those in a team leader role who are responsible for managing and resolving complaints at a local level

  • Managers who are recently responsible to managing complaint processes and resolving complaints

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