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Featuring leading legal experts and experienced clinicians this event will provide an update on current claims processes and how to respond to claims.
The conference will look at the patient perspective and explore why patients decide to litigate. There will be an extended session on mediation and ADR. The conference will also update delegates on the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) and implications for Clinical Negligence Litigation.
The conference will also consider current issues topical in clinical negligence including Maternity Safety and clinical negligence reform. Throughout the day, there will be interactive sessions, small breakout groups, and collaborative exercises, fostering a dynamic learning experience.
“It is vital that claims learning is given the same importance as learning from clinical incidents, as it is such a rich resource to help improve patient safety. The triangulation of learning from claims, complaints, incidents, and inquests must become a corner stone of our clinical governance and future clinical improvements. ”
Mr John Machin, Clinical Lead for Litigation - Getting It Right First Time Programme
“Every year in England the NHS spends over £2 billion compensating patients who suffered harm during their treatment. A process that is supposed to deliver justice and incentivise improvements fails to do either: lessons are rarely learned and for families accessing compensation is slow, adversarial, stressful, and often bitter. Those who are most in need usually wait the longest and the system often appears arbitrary - based not on need but on whether clinical negligence can be proved…The English NHS spends 2% of its total income on clinical negligence compared to half that level in New Zealand or Sweden. On top of the amount actually paid out, the NHS is incurring around four times that amount in future liabilities - £8.3 billion in 2021/22 alone.”
The House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee NHS Litigation Reform Inquiry Report 2022
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues with an interest in Clinical Negligence
Learn from outstanding practice in responding to claims
Reflect on national developments and learning
Understand the patient perspective and why patients decide to litigate
Explore the impact of the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework on Clinical Negligence claims and litigation
Improve the way claims are responded to and improve practice in mediation and ADR
Develop your skills in learning from claims to reduce avoidable harm
Understand how you can bring together Complaints, Claims and Patients Safety Investigation
Identify key strategies for supporting staff who are the subject of a claim
Reflect on the progress towards clinical negligence reform and how the system may change
Understand the standards to which services will be judged during the Pandemic
Ensure you are up to date with the latest data with regard to learning from obstetric and maternity claims
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes